Post by othercheryl on May 26, 2011 21:51:48 GMT
I took my mom to a doctor’s appointment and on the way back, my Jeep started acting like a giant was pushing against the front end and my MPG plummeted to 5, which is terrible even by Jeep standards.
I thought it was just the ‘death wobble’ – which is one of those things that can happen with Jeeps and to the best of my knowledge, Chrysler hasn’t yet acknowledged it. You can Google it, though. It’s happened to plenty of Jeep owners and there’s no fix except to hit the brake or ease off the accelerator and pray. It doesn’t happen often, you can never predict it, and it doesn’t happen at any certain speed. Believe it or not, you can train yourself to get used to it.
What happens is that the rotation of the tires sets up a certain harmonic resonance, which:
1. Feels like a giant is pushing against your car or you’re driving into a wind tunnel.
2. Gas mileage drops like a stone.
3. Entire vehicle smells vaguely of burning plastic.
4. Exterior of car super-heats to the point you’ll burn bare flesh if you touch it – think about a hot exhaust pipe on a motorcycle. That’s the frame of your car.
5. Steering wheel tries to shake itself out of your hands like it’s possessed.
6. Motor acts like it’s trying to free itself from its moorings, jump into your lap and say, “HELLOOOOOOO!”
7. You poop your pants.
So when the giant made an appearance, I took my foot off the gas. It didn’t work. I dropped mom off and thought – erroneously, as it turns out – that the problem would sort itself when I turned the ignition off. No resonance, the pattern is broken for good, problem solved. Right?
I live 3 miles from my mom’s house. I decided to drive home. How hard can it be?
Turns out, very!
It didn’t take long for the giant to return and bring a friend. The Jeep started making a noise like a two-stoke weed-whacker in the middle distance. The kind of sound where you think, “Is that me? That can’t be me, that’s a weed whacker….it’s following me. Wait, no….yes….no….it can’t be me or can it?”
Yeah, it was.
The smell of burning plastic was a dead giveaway – and the black smoke coming out from the rear wheel wells was a definite indicator that all was not well in my little world.
Long story short – it’s been very, very wet this spring, even by our standards. Death wobble + wet = the rear brakes suddenly and very dramatically drop/slip into the on position, causing a lot of smoke and yet another ruined pair of trousers.
In the 3-mile drive, there are about 15 signal lights on the main road. They’re synchronized, so if you hit a clear green, it’s smooth sailing. If not, you’ll have to stop at every light. Guess when I got to the first light?
Putting the car in park for every single red light made no difference – but not putting it in park and actually holding down the brake pedal made it 10 times worse. The noxious black cloud coming from the back of my car was becoming quite alarming. I developed a mantra – “Please don’t die car please don’t die please please please do NOT do this please don’t die no no no no no no no!”
By now, the Jeep was making a rear-end noise like some kind of demented lawn mower in need of being put out of its misery and I was seriously contemplating ditching her at the nearest gas station.
But then I thought, “You idiot – if she catches on fire, do you really want her near gas pumps!?!?”
I decided I’d ditch near a fire hydrant instead, so at least there would be enough evidence to photograph once the fire department arrived and put out the smoldering remains of the Jeep. Thankfully, it didn’t come to that and I was very glad that I didn’t have to tell my husband, “I didn’t do it!”
I coasted into our driveway after the longest 15-minute drive of my life and miraculously, the Jeep didn’t burst into flames. Smelled awfully close to it, though – and you could have roasted meat by the rear of the vehicle, if you didn’t mind it tasting strongly of fumes.
Shaken, adrenaline pumping, I shambled into the house like a zombie and something so ridiculous that it transcends ridiculous and gently touches the sublime dawned on me. Something that actually made me burst out laughing because it’s just so stupid.
At the time I was struggling to get the Jeep home, the bank was probably processing our last car payment.
As of yesterday, the Jeep is ours, free and clear.
Yay. Woo. Arrrrrrrrgggghhhhhh!
Oh, go ahead and laugh – it’s funny!